Strophe 1
The first moment I saw your smile I knew,
I couldn't but fall in love.
A long time it's ago now, but still,
every time I see you
I must admit, I feel a bit a longing
in my heart.
Strophe 2
The last time when I met you in the street
I could read it in your eyes:
You were so glad to see me,
but I had no time to stay
and now I feel that yearning even stronger
than before.
Although I see you walking
with another man sometimes
and my girlfriend is with me,
my feeling is a strange mixture
of sadness and hope.
I only know I like so much to see you,
and sometimes I guess, you feel the same,
and sometimes I guess, you feel the same for me
You feel the same!
You feel the same for me!